I finally finished a new little monster. His mouth is a binder clip, one of those large ones, and he looks quite dashing on my desk. He holds several of my business cards for me for easy access. I have business cards now because I went to FluentConf! Network network network!
I enjoyed the conference and the people I met there. Not sure if it quite lines up with where I am right now, technical skill wise... But I worry that a more advanced conference might leave me in the dust. Makes me miss college a little.
Enjoyed hearing about things that are coming down the road (ECMAScript 6, Data Parallelism) and some things that are here right now (Content Security Policy, some programming concepts). Esprima is magic. Paul Irish is a stupidly good speaker. There were lots of women attending and presenting.
Dr. Sketchy's this week was fun but I was totally not in the right mental space for it. Not a single scan-worthy sketch. I was rocken' my doodles of the speakers at the conference though. I only failed to sketch two of the sessions I attended. You can see the full set here
Tomorrow is my second Hack Day at work and I'm excited. Am not certain which little project I'm going to do, perhaps several. There's a nice oven at work with which I've baked bread and cookies so far. Someone else used the stovetop to make delicious... somethings. The sense of community cooking fosters is extremely pleasant. I'm hoping to bring more dough in tomorrow.
Tomorrow is also Friday Tie-Day.